Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Drug Treatment For Lower Back Pain Is Not The Best Option

Drug Treatment For Lower Back Pain Is Not The Best Option    

Back pain is usually treated with drugs and painkillers, which is not a good option. Apart from the fact that drugs treat the pain and not the cause, they can have serious side effects, provide short-term relief, lose effectivity over time and increase the risk of addiction. The correct approach must be treating the cause of pain via massages, heat therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic treatments, exercises, and other nondrug options. Additional info click here.


Back Pain Can Be A Sign Of Poor Lifestyle Leading To Lower Lifespan

Back Pain Can Be A Sign Of Poor Lifestyle Leading To Lower Lifespan    

A study suggests that back pain is related to a higher risk of dying, meaning that it can be a serious health risk. This is important since most people do not consider back pain as a life-threatening condition. However, back pain is not the direct cause, but what causes it, such as limited functional ability, lower muscle mass, and lower aerobic capacity. The pain also results in a mental state, with feelings of depression, poor sleeping, among others. Therefore, back pain is a sign of a poor lifestyle. Click here for more details.


Suffering From Back Pain For Sitting Too Much Time? Strengthen The Back Muscles

Suffering From Back Pain For Sitting Too Much Time? Strengthen The Back Muscles    

Many people with desk jobs complain about it. And we’re not talking about the paycheck, but about the back pain and the other consequences of sitting for a long time. One of the causes is the loosening of back muscles, which provide support for the spine. Fortunately, there are ways to correct this damage and strengthen these muscles. More Information click here.


Trying Yoga As An Alternative Treatment To Back Pain

Trying Yoga As An Alternative Treatment To Back Pain    

We have mentioned that a back pain sufferer must continue with physical activities, but in some cases, it is not easy. According to a study, one alternative is yoga, since it includes a combination of physical movements, controlled breathing (also known as yoga breathing), and relaxation or meditation. Additional details click here.


Monday, December 30, 2019

Good Posture Is Not Only Important For Our Looks, But Also For Out Health

Good Posture Is Not Only Important For Our Looks, But Also For Out Health    

A poor posture affects our health and puts excessive stress on the muscles and joints. Unfortunately, poor posture is the result of bad habits lasting for months or even years, so it is not possible to correct them overnight, requiring a conscious approach. Good posture reflects on better breathing since the diaphragm can expand more. It also reduces the risk of back pain, because the joints and muscles have less strain on them to work naturally. Click here for more information.


Identifying The Causes Of Sciatica

Identifying The Causes Of Sciatica

Sciatica occurs when the sciatic nerve is pressed or has an inflammation. It can vary from mild discomfort to intense pain. It has several signs, like intermittent, back pain extending to the buttock or even the ankle, and burning sensations in the hip or pain, among others. A correct diagnosis is very important because there could be other causes, such as hip fracture or poor blood flow. More info click here.


Smokers Have More Back Pain Episodes

Smokers Have More Back Pain Episodes

A recent study suggests that smoking contributes to back pain. Smokers had more back pin episodes, and their MRI showed spine damage. It also compared smoking and non-smoking scoliosis patients, in which smokers experienced more back pain. Additional information click here.


Home Treatments For Back Pain

Home Treatments For Back Pain

Back pain is more common among middle age and elder people. This is because the spinal disks tend to wear out and the bones and joints in the lower back begin to change. The cause can be also a herniated disk in which a spinal disk compresses the nerve. Sciatica is caused by a compressed nerve. Other causes are an accident injury, improper movements when lifting, among others. This can be treated at home with hot and cold therapies, bed rest (but not too much), and physical activities. Click here for more info.


Sunday, December 29, 2019

Causes And Treatment For Nighttime Back Pain

Causes And Treatment For Nighttime Back Pain

Sometimes back pain cannot be controlled by painkillers and it interrupts sleep. This causes poor sleeping, which prevents the body to restore itself, resulting in more back pain. The cause might be the position at bed aggravates the back pain, or the slower circulation and metabolism at nighttime, which increases the risk of inflammation. It can be treated with a hot shower to relax the muscles, stretching before bed or getting a new mattress, among other solutions. More details click here.


Instead Of Meds For Treating Back Pain, Consider Exercising

Instead Of Meds For Treating Back Pain, Consider Exercising

We mentioned that meds like ibuprofen do not have an effect on back pain. One alternative is exercise. While most health conditions advice to rest, in the case of back pain it is better to get moving and exercise. And not just exercise for treating the current back pain, but also to prevent it by strengthening the muscle core. Additional info click here.


Study: Anti-Inflammatories Have Little Or No Effect On Back Pain Treatment

Study: Anti-Inflammatories Have Little Or No Effect On Back Pain Treatment

Researchers have found that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs [NSAIDs] such as ibuprofen, do not have an important effect on the treatment of back pain. Also, they had a side effect leading to gastrointestinal problems, like ulcers and bleeding. While these meds are effective for treating other types of pain, they have little effect on back pain. Click here for more details.


New Wearable Device Warns If The User Slouches In Front Of A Screen

New Wearable Device Warns If The User Slouches In Front Of A Screen

A new device can detect if you re slouching at the desk and in front of a screen. This is a wearable device that sits discretely between the shoulder blades and warns if the body is in a poor posture, preventing muscular ache and shoulder pain. More Information click here.


Saturday, December 28, 2019

Poor Sleep Can Make People More Vulnerable To Back Pain And Neck Pain

Poor Sleep Can Make People More Vulnerable To Back Pain And Neck Pain

Sleep does not only repair the body and prepares the mind for the next day, but it is also related to the overall health. Studies have shown that poor sleep is related to hypertension, stress, anxiety, depression and cardiovascular problems, among others. Also, while chronic pain is one of the causes of poor sleeping, recent research suggests that people with no pain and poor sleep increase the risk of developing pain, such as back pain, neck pain, and shoulder pain. Therefore, poor sleeping makes people more vulnerable to pain. Additional details click here.


Overdose Risk For Patients Taking Tranquilizing Drugs And Opioid Painkillers

Overdose Risk For Patients Taking Tranquilizing Drugs And Opioid Painkillers    

Opioid Painkillers Should Be Replaced With Another Drug Which Less Risk Of Overdose    

Opioid painkillers are used as a treatment for back pain and chronic pain but have the risk of generating addiction and losing effectiveness over time. However, the health risk increases when they are prescribed to patients that are also taking tranquilizing drugs known as benzodiazepines, which might lead to an overdose. Patients taking both medications do not know how easy is to overdose. According to specialists, patients should be evaluated in order to replace opioid painkillers with another drug with another drug that represents less overdose risk. Click here for more information.


Walking, If Done Properly, Can Reduce The Risk Of Cardiovascular Diseases And Diabetes

Walking, If Done Properly, Can Reduce The Risk Of Cardiovascular Diseases And Diabetes    

This Means Maintaining A Speed Of 4 To 6 Km/H For At Least 10 Minutes    

There are people who walk as an exercise routine. However, there several opinions about the usefulness of walking as an exercise. Some specialists believe that it does not maximize benefits, and the best is to combine an aerobic exercise, such as running, swimming and cycling, with strength training. However, other opinions state that walking can be considered an exercise if it is done at a moderate intensity such as 4 to 6 km/h and for 10 minutes at a time. It will reduce the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and excess weight, among others. It can be even combined with hiking sticks, and extend the activity to the upper body muscles. Additional details click here.


Menstrual Cramps Can Include Back Pain

Menstrual Cramps Can Include Back Pain

It Is Originated By Prostaglandins, Which Cause Uterine Contractions

Menstrual cramps are part of women’s periods, but in some cases, it can include also back pain. According to specialists, this is caused by prostaglandins that cause uterine contractions. However, if back pain worsens, it could be a symptom of endometriosis, which also has severe menstrual pain. More info click here.


Friday, December 27, 2019

Stretching Add Flexibility To The Joints And Loosens The Muscles

Stretching Add Flexibility To The Joints And Loosens The Muscles    

It Can Also Help Prevent Back Pain, And Treat Insomnia    

Stretching is a necessary activity before a cardio workout or weights, because it adds flexibility to the joints, and loosens the muscles. It can also help avoid back pain, which may be caused by tightened hamstrings, stressing the muscles on the spine and lower back. Stretching also works for relaxation of the body and also of the mind. It helps increase blood flow, getting rid of muscle tension. An additional bonus is that stretching before sleep may aid in curing insomnia. Additional information click here.


Identifying If Back Pain Is Caused By A Slipped Disk

Identifying If Back Pain Is Caused By A Slipped Disk    

It Can Come Along With Pain Or Numbness In Arms Or Legs Or A Cold Sensation    

A slipped disk can be the cause of back pain. It happens when the disks between the vertebrae that work as shock absorbers rupture and compress nerves. However, there are cases in which there is a pain in other areas apart from the back. In these cases, there are other ways to identify a slipped disk. Among them are a pain in the arm or leg, low-temperature sensation on one side of the trunk, leg numbness or foot pain. Click here for more info.


These Natural Supplements Can Help Reducing Back Pain

These Natural Supplements Can Help Reducing Back Pain    

Their Components Aid In Lowering Inflammation And Improving Bone Health    

Back pain is annoying, and sometimes incapacitating, requiring specialized treatments. However, there are some natural supplements that can help reduce the pain. According to specialists, fish oil contains omega3 fatty acids that can reduce the inflammation that causes back pain. Another supplement is turmeric, which has an anti-inflammatory compound called curcumin, and magnesium, which improves bone health. Check all the natural supplements for dealing with back pain. More details click here.


Advantages Of Minimally Invasive Surgery For Back Pain

Advantages Of Minimally Invasive Surgery For Back Pain    

It Reduces Recovery Time And Causes Less Trauma To Muscle And Tissues    

Spine surgeries are usually open, which is related to excess risk, long recovery time and pain. On the other hand, there are minimally invasive surgeries, which have less painful procedures and faster recovery time. It uses small incisions, less bleeding, fewer anesthetics, and less risk of trauma to muscles, nerves, and tissues. Back pain caused by nerve compression due to disk issues or bone overgrowth can be treated with minimally invasive surgery instead of open surgery. Also, a faster recovery time means that patients can have increased mobility after 4 to 6 weeks, without pain. Additional info click here.


Thursday, December 26, 2019

Poor Posture Can Have Consequences On The Body And The Mind

Poor Posture Can Have Consequences On The Body And The Mind    

It Affects Respiration And Causes Back Pain, Headaches, Mental Stress, And Acid Reflux    

A poor posture not only affects the musculoskeletal system, leading to back pain and joint pain but also can harm other parts of the body. It prevents proper respiration, because of the position of the diaphragm. Also, the stress on the neck can cause headaches, hip and lower joint pain due to the muscles imbalances due to poor posture. Slouching also causes organ compression in the abdominal area, resulting in acid reflux and heartburn, and the body has to make an extra effort to digest food. Another consequence is the physical and mental stress caused by the misalignment of the body, leading to pain and loss of motivation. Click here for more info.


Teeth Grinding Caused By Chronic Stress Can Affect Other Areas Of The Body

Teeth Grinding Caused By Chronic Stress Can Affect Other Areas Of The Body    

Tension In Jaw And Neck Muscles Will Result In Headaches And Upper Back Pain    

Teeth grinding do not only affect teeth. This habit is usually caused by stress. However, the cause of concern is that it usually occurs at night, when the person is asleep. Like sleep apnea, the consequences of these conditions will show when waking up and gradually over time. Constant grinding of teeth will lead to accelerated teeth wear, as well as chips and cracks. Also, the jaw muscles will ache and also affect the muscles of the neck and back, causing upper back pain. The tension in the neck muscles will result in headaches. The chronic stress that causes teeth grinding also affects oral health. It promotes gum disease due to a decrease in immunity, and also leads to dehydration, resulting in bad breath. Additional information click here.


Baking Soda Can Act As An Antacid, Preventing Heartburn And Acid Reflux

Baking Soda Can Act As An Antacid, Preventing Heartburn And Acid Reflux    

It Also Decreases The Risk Of Osteoporosis, Arthritis, And The Formation Of Kidney Stones    

Baking soda is known as a kitchen ingredient. However, it has also alkaline properties. This can help combat acid reflux and heartburn, by working as an antacid and neutralizing the excess acid in the stomach. It also combats excess acidity in the body by alkalinizing it. Also, excessive acidity can lead to osteoporosis, arthritis, and same types of cancer. Excessive acidity is one of the causes of the appearance of kidney stones, along with iron deficiency and dehydration. Baking soda can help prevent these conditions. It also reduces inflammation, reducing the accumulation of uric acid in the joints, preventing arthritis. Check how to make baking soda water. More info click here.


Standing Desks May Not Show All The Health Benefits They Claim

Standing Desks May Not Show All The Health Benefits They Claim    

In Fact, They May Even Do More Harm Than Sitting For Extended Periods    

Sitting down for an excessive time at work will result to back pain, increase the risk of hypertension and get excess weight, and other health issues. So, the answer has been going the other way around, and try to stand at work, using standing desks. However, recent studies are showing that this may not be a good idea. Standing for more than two hours can create enough discomfort to affect the cognitive functions needed for making good decisions and lowered reaction time. Also, other studies have proven that standing does not have enough health benefits to lessen the harm caused by sitting for extended. So, what would be the solution? Click here for more details.


Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Back Pain Is Caused By Children’s Heavier Backpacks And Adult’s Workbags

Back Pain Is Caused By Children’s Heavier Backpacks And Adult’s Workbags    

There Are More Cases Of Scoliosis In Kids And Unbalances And Gaits In Adults    

Kids are carrying heavier backpacks to school, while adults are also carrying heavier purses and workbags with essential and not-so-essential things. All leads to back pain, neck pain, and sciatica. In the case of kids, there is an increase in the risk of scoliosis and disk compression. Studies have also shown more cases of lumbar asymmetry, or lower back curvature, and damage to the soft tissues in the shoulder. On the other hand, adults prefer wearing bags on one side, leading to imbalances and gaits. Additional information click here.


Stiffness Sensation In The Back Could Be A Way The Body Protects Itself

Stiffness Sensation In The Back Could Be A Way The Body Protects Itself    

The Nerves Develop A Protective Construct To Shield Them From Strain Or Injury    

Back stiffness is not always related to muscular or biomechanical stiffness. The cause might be a protective construct around the nerves, as a way to shield from injury or strain. The feeling of stiffness that the patients have can be because of slower and more painful movements. More info click here.


Pain In The Legs And Butt Could Be Caused By The Piriformis

Pain In The Legs And Butt Could Be Caused By The Piriformis    

It Is A Small Muscle That Helps To Stabilize The Hip    

Glute or lower back pain could be caused by a little muscle called piriformis. This muscle connects the front of the sacrum to the top of the femur and is one of the six muscles responsible for stabilizing and rotating the hip. It is located over the sciatic nerve, so swelling or tightening of the piriformis can compress or irritate the sciatic nerve, resulting in a feeling of numbness or pain through the butt and the back of the leg. This is common in the activity of running, but also when sitting for a long time or going up or downstairs. Click here for more information.


Placebos Can Work Using The Power Of Suggestion

Placebos Can Work Using The Power Of Suggestion    

Patients Told They Were Given A Placebo Also Experienced A Positive Effect    

In drug studies, placebos are mostly given to the control group in order to have a baseline to compare the effectiveness of a drug. Participants do not know whether they have been given the drug or the placebo. However, scientists have found that they could be beneficial also even when the patient knows it is a placebo, by using the power of suggestion. In this case, the patients were told that may experience a beneficial effect. Additional details click here.


Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Could Be The Cause Of Back Pain

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Could Be The Cause Of Back Pain    

It Can Be Triggered By Certain Foods Or Excess Stress    

IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) symptoms can include back pain. In this case, back pain is referred which means that pain is felt in a part that is not the actual source. IBS causes constipation, bloating and excessive gasses, which can cause distention of the intestine, affecting pain receptors in the back. IBS can be triggered by allergy or intolerance to certain foods, such as chocolate, milk, and alcohol, among others. It can also be triggered by excess stress. More Information click here.


Standing For Excessive Time At Work Can Be Even Worse Than Excess Sitting Down

Standing For Excessive Time At Work Can Be Even Worse Than Excess Sitting Down    

The Blood Pools In The Legs And The Heart Has To Fight Against Gravity    

Sitting for too much time has been named “the new smoking”. However, standing for an extended period of time can be even worse. According to a study, people whose jobs require them to stand have double the risk of developing heart disease. The reason is that the blood pools on the legs, which forces the heart to work harder to return the blood because it is fighting gravity. This, in turn, increases the pressure in the veins. Therefore, the idea is not to sit all the time, but also not stand all the time. Click here for more details.


A Desk Job Might Be Responsible For Back And Neck Pain

A Desk Job Might Be Responsible For Back And Neck Pain    

Sitting For Extended Time Might Compress The Intervertebral Disks And Lead To Muscle Fatigue    

Back pain is the most common of work-related disability and the most expensive also, considering the number of lost hours. The reason is that sitting for long hours overloads the intervertebral disks, which work as shock absorbers, and also fatigues the back muscles. It also results in neck pain. These can be avoided by moving around and stretching the neck every 15 to 20 minutes. It is also important to have an adequate work environment, such as an ergonomic seat and a proper desk. Additional info click here.


Bladder Infection Can Be A Serious Condition If You Are Experiencing Back Pain

Bladder Infection Can Be A Serious Condition If You Are Experiencing Back Pain    

It Is A Sign That The Infection Has Spread To The Kidneys    

Bladder infection, if untreated, can spread to the kidneys, resulting in excessive discomfort. It can be identified via its symptoms, such as painful and frequent urination, and urinary urgency, which is a need to rush to the restroom immediately. Another symptom is lower back pain and sensitivity around the abdominal region. This can be a sign that the infection has spread to the kidneys, which is a more serious condition. Learn about all the symptoms of bladder infection. More details click here.


Monday, December 23, 2019

Back Pain Can Be Related To Serious Health Conditions

Back Pain Can Be Related To Serious Health Conditions    

Among These Are An Aortic Aneurysm, Appendicitis, And Arthritis    

Back pain can be a symptom of a series of health conditions, not necessarily related to the spine or the muscle core. One of these is an aortic aneurysm, in which the pain radiates from the back into the abdomen. This is a medical urgency and is a life-threatening condition. Another condition is appendicitis, which includes sharp pain in the lower right abdomen. However, some people have the appendix near the kidney, which will result in back pain.  Osteoporosis and arthritis can also show back pain due to fractures or weakening of the bones. Click here for more info.


Dealing With Lumbago

Dealing With Lumbago    

It Includes Micro Traumas In Muscles Due To Improper Movements Or Lifting    

Lumbago is referred to as back pain with an unspecified cause. This might show up as a result of improper lifting, poor posture, or not enough physical activity. These will lead to micro-traumas in the back muscles, which may develop into spasms and back pain. These can be treated with a muscle relaxer and anti-inflammatory drugs. Also, it is suggested to continue with normal activities and a gentle exercise, such as walking or yoga, instead of resting at the bed. Additional information click here.


Shoes With Curved Soles Can Help Reduce Back Pain

Shoes With Curved Soles Can Help Reduce Back Pain    

The Require The Body To Maintain A Balance Providing A Core Workout    

According to a recent study, walking in rocker shoes with curved soles can provide a low-stress workout for the lower back, relieving chronic back pain. These shoes require the body to maintain balance and stability and can help people who have difficulty maintaining an exercise regime to strengthen the core, which is fundamental to treat back pain. These shoes also improve the curvature of the spine in the lumbar area. More info click here.


Is It Difficult To Keep A Good Posture? First, Define What Good Posture Is

Is It Difficult To Keep A Good Posture? First, Define What Good Posture Is    

Standing Too Straight May Cause Discomfort And Excess Muscular Effort    

Back pain is related to a poor posture. Slouching over a screen or standing with the hips tilted forward will probably result in back pain. Therefore, we tend to straighten up and get a better posture when standing or sitting. The spine is not straight - it has natural curves in the neck, thoracic area, and lumbar area, so the idea of a good posture would be to maintain these curves. However, specialists have different opinions about the proper curvature of the spine, hence, there is not a standard that defines what a good posture is. One group prefers a lesser lumbar curve and an upright back, while others considered that this would require more muscular effort and would cause discomfort. Click here for more information.


Sunday, December 22, 2019

Vitamin D Deficiency Can Lead To Serious Health Conditions

Vitamin D Deficiency Can Lead To Serious Health Conditions    

Among Them Are Bone And Back Pain And Also Hair Loss    

Vitamin D is also called the sunshine vitamin, helps regulate the amount of calcium, and phosphate minerals, keeping the bone, teeth, and muscles healthy. However, its deficiency can result in several health conditions in the body. One of them is hair loss, caused by alopecia areata, an autoimmune disease. Another condition is bone and back pain, which results from the loss of calcium a mineral that keeps the bones strong and healthy. Other signs of vitamin D deficiency are frequent infections, colds, bronchitis, and pneumonia, caused by a weak immune system. Check all the low vitamin D symptoms. Additional details click here.


Causes Of Sciatica And How To Treat It

Causes Of Sciatica And How To Treat It    

It Causes Pain Or Numbness In The Legs    

The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the body, running from the hips to the foot, and it can be pinched or compressed along its pathway, resulting in pain or numbness in the leg called sciatica. The causes can be a lumbar herniated disk, degenerative disk disease, muscle strain, or a condition in the piriformis muscle, among others. There are several ways to treat it, such as keep moving, which can strengthen the muscles and reduce the symptoms. Also applying heat and ice, also called contrast bathing, can help if the cause is a muscle strain. Massages can also help loosen the muscles. Check all the treatments for sciatica. More Information click here.


Study: Sitting For Too Much Time Linked To Thinning Of Temporal Lobe

Study: Sitting For Too Much Time Linked To Thinning Of Temporal Lobe    

It Is A Critical Area For Memory Formation And Can Tend To Cognitive Decline And Dementia    

Several studies have shown the health risks of sitting for an extended period of time, which include back pain, poor blood circulation, and cardiovascular issues, tendency to gain weight, and a higher risk of diabetes, among others. However, recent research has also related it to the decrease in thickness of the temporal lobe, an area critical to memory formation. Brain thinning can lead to cognitive decline and dementia. Additional details click here.


Study: There Is No Correlation Between Rainy Days And Back And Joint Pain

Study: There Is No Correlation Between Rainy Days And Back And Joint Pain    

It Also Compared Rainy Days The Week Before And The Preceding Week    

Many people believe that there is a relation between rainy weather and achy joints. However, it is not true. A study involving information from 11 million primary care visits was correlated with the weather and found no evidence that connected a rainy day and joint or back pain. They also compared rainy days the week before and also the preceding week, and the correlation with medical visits for back and joint pain was the same as the days with no rain at all. Click here for more information.


Saturday, December 21, 2019

Frequent Headaches And Neck And Back Pain May Be Caused By Fibromyalgia

Frequent Headaches And Neck And Back Pain May Be Caused By Fibromyalgia    

Other Symptoms Include A Burning Sensation And Stiffness    

Fibromyalgia is a condition caused by changes in the way the body processes pain signals. It can be caused by a stressful event or a painful injury. Among its symptoms are frequent headaches, and pain around the body or focused on the neck or back. The pain can be felt like a stabbing or a burning sensation. It also includes extreme sensitivity, and also stiffness. Other symptoms are extreme fatigue and difficulty to sleep. Even though there is not a cure, there are treatments to ease the pain. More info click here.


You Might Not Be Walking Correctly And Not Be Aware Of It

You Might Not Be Walking Correctly And Not Be Aware Of It    

It Is As Important As A Good Posture To Prevent Neck And Back Pain    

We have discussed before the importance of a good posture to align the spine and prevent back pain. However, this is important also when a person is standing still. What about the walking process? There are also common mistakes. One of them increasing walking speed by is taking longer steps. This affects the natural rhythm, resulting in a straight knee and a harder heel strike. If you are in a hurry, it is better to take shorter and quicker steps. Also, not swinging the arms can affect spinal support. Slapping the feet can be caused by a weak anterior tibial muscle, which can be related to a compressed nerve or ruptured disk. Check all the colon issues when walking provided that you are using footwear that does not affect walking, such as heels. Additional information click here.


Reduce The Risk Of Back Pain By Gradually Lifting Weights

Reduce The Risk Of Back Pain By Gradually Lifting Weights

It Will Strengthen The Core And Decrease The Risk Of Back Injury

Back pain is the main disability cause. This might lead to think the spine is designed incorrectly, but the truth is that it is used incorrectly. Common sense tells us to avoid lifting heavy weights to prevent back pain. However, lifting heavy weights strengthens the spine and prepares the joints and muscles for heavy tasks. Excess weight and sedentarism are reducing people’s ability to tolerate the activity and the weight loads for which their bodies were originally designed. Therefore, instead of avoiding lifting weights to reduce the risk of back pain, people should gradually lift weights and strengthen the core. It will prevent back injury later when lifting their kids, shopping bags, or travel suitcases. More details click here.


Friday, December 20, 2019

Driving For Extended Periods Of Time Results In Pack Pain

Driving For Extended Periods Of Time Results In Pack Pain

Also Poorly Adjusted Seats And Incorrect Position Of Mirrors And Steering Wheel

Driving long journeys can result in neck or back pain due to sitting for extended times, and for poorly adjusted seats. It also causes tension on the muscles, restricts blood flow, and even can cause sciatica. The recommendation of automobile specialists is adjusting the seat and mirrors in order to sit comfortably the spine rests against the back and prevents neck strain from the movements required to look at the mirrors. The steering wheel should be also correctly positioned to avoid strain on the arms, and also the seat should be within reach of the pedals. Check all the advice for a pain-free driving. Additional info click here.


Opioid-Based Painkillers Can Increase The Risk Of Gum Disease And Tooth Decay

Opioid-Based Painkillers Can Increase The Risk Of Gum Disease And Tooth Decay

They Are A Common Treatment For Back Pain And Other Chronic Pains

One of the treatments for back pain is opioid-based painkillers, which have the risk of creating addiction and lose effectivity over time. They also have a negative effect on oral health and dental hygiene. Among them is a craving for sugar, which increases the risk of tooth decay, and also dry mouth, resulting in bad breath. Also, opioids have euphoric effects, which can lead to tooth grinding. Extended use of opioids can even result in pre-cancerous oral conditions and oral cancer. Click here for more details.


Slipped Disks Can Be Treated By Injecting An Alcohol-Based Gel

Slipped Disks Can Be Treated By Injecting An Alcohol-Based Gel

It Absorbs The Water That Leaks From The Disk, Easing Pain And Inflammation

An alcohol-based gel can be used to treat slipped disks. A damaged disk leaks water, which causes inflammation on the tissues and causes the pain in the spinal cord. The gel is injected into the slipped disk, and the alcohol absorbs the water, eliminating the cause of pain and inflammation. This treatment is oriented to patients that are not experiencing any relief with therapy and painkillers, and also avoids the need for surgery. In many cases of slipped disks, the water dries up naturally, but it could take months, whereas the gel treatment quickens the process. More Information click here.


Back Pain Could Be Caused By Handbags Or Briefcases

Back Pain Could Be Caused By Handbags Or Briefcases

They Cause An Uneven Weight Distribution On The Body

Carrying bags or purses can be a source of back pain. This can apply to any carrying item, such as briefcases, bags, handbags, or any article that causes an uneven weight distribution on the body. The solution might be a rolling bag on wheels, or a backpack, which will distribute the weight equally over the two shoulders. However, if using a handbag or briefcase, the straps should be wide, and it must be able to be used on either side or positioned across the body. Also, when retrieving items from the bag, the arms or body must not be forced on uncomfortable positions. Additional details click here.


Thursday, December 19, 2019

Study: A Daily Dose Of Ibuprofen Could Prevent Alzheimer’s

Study: A Daily Dose Of Ibuprofen Could Prevent Alzheimer’s

This Drug For Back Pain And Headache Inhibits The Action Of A Substance Related To This Mental Condition

Ibuprofen is a quick way to treat back pain or headaches. Even though this mediation is oriented to pain relief, researchers have discovered that it could also be used to treat Alzheimer’s disease. It is based on the mechanism used by ibuprofen to reduce the inflammation caused by a substance related to this mental condition. This substance, an amyloid peptide called Abeta 42, is present in the saliva of adults with Alzheimer’s as well as adults with a healthy mental condition, but with a high risk of suffering from Alzheimer’s. According to the study, a daily dose of ibuprofen, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), could prevent Alzheimer’s in patients that have shown a high level of Abeta42. Click here for more information.


The Type Of Back Pain Can Help Identify Its Origin

The Type Of Back Pain Can Help Identify Its Origin

The Sharpness Or Localization Can Detect A Bad Posture, A Herniated Disk Or Even Sciatica

Back pain is not unique. It can be sharp, dull, localized, spreading into arms and legs, seasonal, among others. How the pain feels may help explain what is causing it. For example, if the back pain is dull and persistent, the cause can be a bad posture or using a non-ergonomic desk or chair. Also, a sharp pain plus muscles spasm could reveal over-exercising, or a poor workout – the cause is the muscles repairing after the exercise, and also happens with a new workout that involves new muscles. Another case involves a sharp pain traveling to the arms and legs, in which a herniated disk is adding pressure to a nerve. This also can include numbness or even loss of bladder control. A sharp or dull pain that extends only to the legs could be sciatica. Check how to differentiate the origin of your back pain. More info click here.


Natural Ways For Treating Period Pains

Natural Ways For Treating Period Pains

NSAID Drugs Only Work For 30% Of Women

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are one of the painkillers women take for period pain. However, according to a study, they were effective in only 30% of the patients. Also, they don’t relieve other PMS symptoms, such as bloating or diarrhea. However, there are also natural ways to alleviate period pain. One of them is prescribed oxytocin, also known as the love hormone. According to specialists, oxytocin decreases the pain of menstrual cramps and body aches. Also, there are foods that will reduce pan cramps, such as salty foods and carbs, which avoid constipation. Omega-3 fatty acids relieve inflammation and pain, including menstrual cramps. Salmon, flaxseeds, and soybeans contain these ingredients. Check all the natural treatments for period pain. More here, Additional information click here.


A Cooldown After Working Out Is As Important As A Stretching And Warming Before It

A Cooldown After Working Out Is As Important As A Stretching And Warming Before It    

It Lowers The Blood Flow And Heart Rate And Also Prevents Back Injury    

During a workout, there is more effort on the muscles and on the heart. Most people agree that before the workout, the body needs a stretching and warm up to prevent muscle sprains. However, not many people know that a cooldown is required after the workout. Suddenly stopping a workout can cause blood pressure to drop rapidly, causing lightheadedness. It also gradually slows down the heart rate. During a workout, the muscles have been in tension, and a cooldown prevents injuries in the lower back, knees, and hamstrings. This can be prevented by a stretching, elongating the muscle fibers. Check all the benefits of a post-workout cooldown. Click here for more info.


Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Symptoms Of Ovarian Cancer Can Be Mistaken For Other Health Conditions

Symptoms Of Ovarian Cancer Can Be Mistaken For Other Health Conditions

Some Are Related To Gastrointestinal Issues Or Back Pain

Ovarian cancer has symptoms that can be easily confused with other health conditions and be misdiagnosed. Some of the symptoms are related to gastrointestinal issues, or back pain. Among the symptoms are persistent bloating not affected by food or medication, and continuous abdominal pain. These two conditions are confused with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), gastric infections or menstrual cramps. Other gastric issues are having a hard time eating, getting full quickly or loss of appetite, variations in bowel habits. Another symptom is back pain, which can be mistaken for a strained muscle, and won’t respond to treatment or medication. Check all the symptoms of ovarian cancer. More details click here.


Alternative To Opioid Drugs For Back Pain

Alternative To Opioid Drugs For Back Pain

Study Shows That Its Effectiveness May Be The Same As Other Non-Opioid Drugs

We have mentioned before that the most common treatment for back pain is based on opioid medications, which have the risk of generating addiction and being ineffective over time. Therefore, doctors and patients are looking for alternate solutions. A recent study showed that non-opioid medications were as effective in management, as opioid medications. In the study, after 12 months, patients taking opioid medications were not functioning any better than the group with the other medication. Non-opioid medications included non-steroidal inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), pain relievers based on acetaminophen, topical agents, or oral adjuvant medications. Additional info click here.


Study: Treatment For Most Of The Cases Of Back Pain Is A Waste Of Resources

Study: Treatment For Most Of The Cases Of Back Pain Is A Waste Of Resources

90% Of The Cases Have A Musculoskeletal Origin, In Which The Body Heals Itself

According to specialists, there is a huge waste of resources in back pain treatment. When suffering from back pain, we all want a quick fix. It is the main cause of disabilities, so we all want to resume put daily activities, o return to our jobs. We seek treatments via painkillers, chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, and even surgery. The truth is that 90% of the cases of back pain are originated from a musculoskeletal disorder – muscle strain, damage to ligaments, and joints. This type of disorder does not have an instant solution. This means that they will get better after six weeks because the body heals itself. Therefore, in 90% of the cases, treatments are probably a waste of resources. The remaining 10% can be related to more serious conditions, and are usually go together with other symptoms, such as a previous diagnosis of cancer, inability to urinate, problems in bowel movements, or the pain gets worse. Click here for more details.


You May Be Stressed And Not Know It – Check These Physical Symptoms Can Be Caused By Stress

You May Be Stressed And Not Know It – Check These Physical Symptoms Can Be Caused By Stress

Among Them Are Memory Loss, Cavities, Tooth Grinding, Headaches, And Back Pain

Some people believe that the effects of stress are related only to the mind, such as poor concentration, slow response, confusion and memory loss. However, the brain releases a substance called cortisol when the body goes through stress. Continued stress equals excess cortisol production, which has serious side effects in the body that can be identified as stress symptoms. Among these are headaches, less libido, tightened muscles on the neck and the back, poor cuticles, cavities, and teeth grinding. More Information click here.


Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Is Acupuncture Really Effective?

Is Acupuncture Really Effective?

This Traditional Chinese Medicine Could Have An Impact On Treating Back Pain And Headaches

Chronic pain sufferers are looking for alternative treatments, due to the addiction risk of opioids. One of them is acupuncture. However, doctors do not agree yet is it's effective or not. According to specialists in traditional Chinese medicine, inserting the needles in specific points balances the flow of energy in the body. In modern medicine, these points are considered to release endorphins, which are natural painkillers. It is used for back and neck pain, headaches, dental pain, and menstrual cramps, among others. The question is if it really works. Some say it has a placebo effect, but studies have shown a positive effect on the treatment of back pain, headaches, and migraines. Several studies show that acupuncture could have an impact on improving pain and reducing the need for medication. Additional details click here.


New Research On Pain Control Is Not Based On Opioids

New Research On Pain Control Is Not Based On Opioids

These Can Be Highly Addictive And Lose Effectiveness Over Time

Back pain is usually treated by opioids. These have two main problems: they decrease their effectiveness over time, and they have a risk of addiction. However, there are new procedures that can replace opioids. One of them is called amniotic allograft injection. It is based on the amniotic fluid can repair tissue damage. It can be used for neck or back pain, knee pain, and muscle tears, among others. Another technique is Alpha-2-Macroglobulin injection, which regulates the healing process preventing more inflammation and pain. Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate (BMAC) is extracted from the patient’s bone marrow and helps activate the body’s repair process. Check all the new procedures. Click here for more information.


Chronic Back Pain Can Worsen With Lack Of Activity – This Treatment Can Help Deal With It

Chronic Back Pain Can Worsen With Lack Of Activity – This Treatment Can Help Deal With It    

Heat With Radiofrequency Can Block The Pain Signals On The Nerves    

Most ailments are treated with resting to let the body heal itself. This is not the case of chronic back pain - lack of movement can actually worsen the condition, therefore specialists suggest to continue with the normal activities, which sometimes are very painful to accomplish. This leads to a pain cycle. One way to treat it is via radiofrequency heat, in case the pain is nerve-related. This treatment interrupts pain signals from nerve tissues. Click here for more details.


Causes Of The Crick On The Neck When Waking Up

Causes Of The Crick On The Neck When Waking Up    

Bending The Head Forward When Texting Can Put Excess Strain In The Neck    

Sometimes there is a pain in the neck when waking up. It can be caused by the sleeping position, in which the pillow is either too low or too high. But it can also be caused by the position of the head during the day. Most people bend their heads forward to work on the computers on their desks or when reading their smartphone screens. The problem is that when bending the head forward, it can increase the stress in the neck muscles and vertebrae up to 60 lbs. when there is a 30 degree tilt forward. How to treat it? Click here for more info.


Monday, December 16, 2019

Back Pain Can Result Of A Tightening Of The Psoas Muscle

Back Pain Can Result Of A Tightening Of The Psoas Muscle    

This Happens When Sitting Too Much Time And Not Stretching The Body    

We have talked about one the consequences of sitting too much time. Another one is related to the psoas muscle, which connects the spine to the legs. It can become very tight when sitting for a long time. A tight psoas will pull the pelvis backward, adding stress to the lumbar spine. Taking a break from the desk and watching your standing position will help to relax the psoas and avoiding back pain. Additional details click here.


A Proper Sleeping Position Will Help To Deal With Back Pain

A Proper Sleeping Position Will Help To Deal With Back Pain    

It Also Helps On Shoulder Pain And Neck Pain, And You Will Wake Up Restored    

One of the treatments for back pain is maintaining a proper posture. In this case, it is maintaining a good posture when sleeping. Since the body recovers when sleeping, taking extra care on the posture will be beneficial. One case is shoulder pain – sleeping on the other side will relieve the pressure. Back pain can be eased by sleeping on the back and placing a pillow under the knees to restore the natural curve of the spine. A rolled towel under the lower back will give additional support. Learn more about the correct sleeping position. Click here for more details.


Overweight Runners Must Be Careful When Choosing Running Shoes

Overweight Runners Must Be Careful When Choosing Running Shoes    

Lightweight Shoes Can Increase The Risk Of Knee Or Hip Injury And Back Pain    

Running is one of the best activities for staying fit and lower cardiovascular risks. However, in the case of people with excess weight, the constant impact can damage their knees or hips, or even result in back pain. Choosing the correct running shoes can reduce this risk. Lightweight shoes are faster than traditional shoes, but the thinner sole may not be able to absorb the extra weight of these runners. More details click here.


Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain And Swelling Reduced By Eating Fish

Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain And Swelling Reduced By Eating Fish    

The Reason Might Be Omega-3 Fatty Acids    

According to a study pain linked to rheumatoid arthritis can be reduced by eating fish. In rheumatoid arthritis, the body’s immune system begins attacking by mistake the joints and can affect other systems, such as the respiratory and cardiovascular. The best results happened when the fish was consumed twice per week. Although the exact cause of the pain reduction is unknown, it is suspected the omega-3 fatty acids are involved. Additional information click here.


Sunday, December 15, 2019

Back Pain Suffering Can Result In Depression

Back Pain Suffering Can Result In Depression    

It Is Treated With Opioids, Which Can Lead To Misuse And Dependency    

Back pain not only causes physical pain. It also causes emotional stress due to the suffering, the difficulty in performing daily activities, and the dependence on drugs and painkillers, which can lead to depression. In many cases, doctors prescribe opioids to patients with depression due to back pain, however, these drugs may create misuse and dependency. Click here for more information.


Alternative Non-Invasive Treatments For Back Pain

Alternative Non-Invasive Treatments For Back Pain    

Calmare Therapy, Chiropractic, And Craniosacral Therapy Are Also Drug-Free    

Even though painkillers are the most common treatment for back pain, they have a risk of dependency and decrease their effect over time. There are new and not-so-new therapies as an alternative. One of them is Calmare, which blocks pain signals via electrical pulses using electrodes over the skin. Another one is the chiropractic approach, which corrects mechanical disorders at the musculoskeletal system. Additionally, craniosacral therapy heals a series of conditions. The therapist touches several points of the head and spinal cord activating the body’s self-healing and self-regulating capacities. More details here More Information click here.


Sitting For Extended Periods Of Time Will Lead To Poor Health Conditions

Sitting For Extended Periods Of Time Will Lead To Poor Health Conditions    

Experts Are Calling It The New Smoking    

Sitting at work for an extended period of time can seriously affect your health. It can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, depression, diabetes, stress, and lower back pain. One way to avoid this is standing. It improves posture, lowers blood pressure and increases metabolism. Also, it is a good idea to increase the level of activity, such as walking around the office and taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Additional info click here.


Incorrect Sleeping Positions Will Lead To Headaches And Back Pain

Incorrect Sleeping Positions Will Lead To Headaches And Back Pain    

The Cause Is Sleep Apnea And An Improper Alignment Of The Spine    

An incorrect sleeping position can lead to neck and back pain or a headache when waking up. Sleeping on the back might relax the tissues at the back of the tongue, resulting in snoring and sleep apnea. This interrupts the breathing and causes poor brain oxygenation, which is the cause of a headache. This sleeping position will also cause neck pain, especially if the pillow is too high or too low. Also, studies have shown that nightmares are more common when a person sleeps on the left side, but, on the other hand, this position is the best for avoiding acid reflux. Click here for more info.


Saturday, December 14, 2019

Back Pain In Depressed Patients Can Lead To Abuse Of Painkillers

Back Pain In Depressed Patients Can Lead To Abuse Of Painkillers    

These Are Prescribed High Doses Of Opioids, Increasing The Risk Of Misuse    

Back pain is a condition that can limit mobility and everyday activities. Therefore, patients can develop depression over time. A situ has shown that these patients are twice as likely to be prescribed opioids as painkillers, which can result in misuse and possible addiction. It also showed that these patients were prescribed more than the typical dose. More info click here.


Chronic Pain Related To Cardiovascular Disorders And High Blood Pressure

Chronic Pain Related To Cardiovascular Disorders And High Blood Pressure    

Pain Can Be Incapacitating, Affecting The Patient’s Normal Development Of Daily Activities    

According to a study, chronic pain affects a patient’s wellbeing, and in some cases, it can be so incapacitating that it will seriously limit the daily activities. This can result in mental issues, such as anxiety and depression, and respiratory diseases, cardiovascular conditions such as high blood pressure, and diabetes. Additional info click here.


Sitting For An Excessive Time Can Affect The Operation Of The Glute Muscles

Sitting For An Excessive Time Can Affect The Operation Of The Glute Muscles    

It’s Called “Dead Butt” – Learn About The Symptoms And Treatments    

Sitting for extended periods of time, as when having a desk job or a long commute to work, can increase the risk of blood clots, increase weight, or result in back pain. However, there is another consequence, known as “gluteal amnesia” or “dead butt”. This happens when the hip flexor gets shortened as a result of excess time seating, which in turn, affects the operation of the glute muscles. They forget to operate from muscle memory and depend on the back for help. The additional demands on back muscles result in back pain, hip pain. How to deal with it? Click here for more information.


You Can Stretch Your Legs In An Airplane With This Gadget

You Can Stretch Your Legs In An Airplane With This Gadget    

Prevent Back Pain, Deep Vein Thrombosis Or Leg Swelling    

Flying in coach means long hours in a cramped position. There is a gadget called Fly Legs Up. It works like a footrest allowing a change of position by stretching their legs or elevating them. It will help prevent conditions such as leg swelling, back pain or even deep vein thrombosis, which occurs when the body is immobilized for long periods of time. More Information click here.


Friday, December 13, 2019

Prevention And Treatment Of Iliac Crest Pain

Prevention And Treatment Of Iliac Crest Pain    

The Cause Can Be Inflammation Or Injury    

The pelvis is composed of various bones, and the largest one is the ileum. One section of it is the iliac crest, where we put our hands on the hips. It is important because it provides protection to the pelvis and is attached to several muscles, fascia and other tissues. However, if it gets inflamed or damaged, it can result in iliac crest pain, which is very sharp. The causes can be trauma, weak muscles or a condition in the sacroiliac joint, among others. The treatments include warm compresses, stretching, and exercises. Check all the treatments. Additional info click here.


Extra Weight While Pregnant May Result In Sciatica

Extra Weight While Pregnant May Result In Sciatica    

The Uterus Compresses The Nerve, Leading To Leg Numbness    

Pregnancy has been usually related to back pain, due to the extra weight the woman has to carry. Another condition related to additional weight is sciatica, which is the inflammation of the sciatic nerve. This is the longest nerve in the body, beginning in the lower back, passing through the butt, and into the thigh. It also goes below the uterus, which compresses the nerve as the baby grows. It causes numbness on the legs and feet. Swimming can help relieve the nerve pressure and inflammation. Click here for more info.


Incorrect Lifting Of Luggage When Traveling Can Ruin Your Vacation

Incorrect Lifting Of Luggage When Traveling Can Ruin Your Vacation    

Learn The Proper Way To Lift It And To Avoid Back Pain In The Plane    

Traveling means to stay immobilized for long periods of time on a plane. This can stiffen the back muscles. As a consequence, the back may suffer when you lower the overhead luggage at the end of the flight, or even worse when you lift the luggage from the carousel to the cart. Lifting incorrectly or with the improper movements can ruin your travel or vacation. This can be prevented by lifting the luggage in steps and avoiding body turns. However, it is better stiffness and numbness of the body by choosing a center seat and walking and stretching on the plane. More info click here.


Avoid Neck Or Back Pain While Working On A Computer

Avoid Neck Or Back Pain While Working On A Computer    

A Correct Posture And Screen And Chair Height Is Critical    

When working on a computer, some people hunch over the screen or over the keyboard. This posture stresses several muscles, resulting in neck and back pain. The idea is to adapt the external environment to one’s body, setting the screen at the same height of the eyes, using a chair that can regulate the height or support, and sitting at a proper distance from the keyboard or screen. Unfortunately, many people are unaware of these guidelines, and sit in from of their computers at an incorrect position for an extended time, resulting in back, neck and shoulder pain. Additional details click here.


Thursday, December 12, 2019

Moderate Activity Can Reduce The Risk Of Chronic Back Pain

Moderate Activity Can Reduce The Risk Of Chronic Back Pain    

Low Impact Activities Such As Walking Or Swimming Will Help Avoid Back Pain    

Maintaining a regular activity might reduce the risk of chronic lower back pain. These activities include walking, all the way to intense exercise. Also, people suffering from back pain obtain better and faster results in their treatment if they continue with their normal activities and avoid sitting or resting extended periods of time. Suggested activities can include low impact exercises, such as walking, swimming and even climbing stairs in a moderate way. Click here for more details.