Just No Back Pain Newsletter
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Weight lifting can be beneficial for treating back pain. If you have back pain, one of the suggested treatments is… weight lifting. This can seem strange, but back pain has many causes, and one of them is having a weak or unbalanced muscle core. This is composed of a series of muscles including the abs, oblique and back muscles, and provide the support for the spine.
High heels can damage the spine, but flats are not so beneficial either. Most women know that, while high heels makes them look great, they are not good for their backs and posture. So one can say that the opposite is better, such as flat shoes or sandals. However if these have no arch, the foot rolls inward when walking, transferring abnormal forces up to the knee and back, resulting in back pain.
Preparing the brain to block chronic pain. Chronic pain means that there is a body area, such as the back or joints, which generates the pain, and other area, such as the brain and nervous system, that receives it. What if you could calm or relax your nervous system to dampen the pain processing?
These are just some of the news for this week
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Tags: back pain, lower back pain, sciatica, gout, spinal disks, spine, slipped disk
Just No Back Pain Newsletter - New This Week 2016-W21