Thursday, October 22, 2020

Oversleeping Can Have Serious Consequences On Your Health And Your Back

Oversleeping Can Have Serious Consequences On Your Health And Your Back    

How many hours do we need for sleep? Between 6 and 9 hours. But sleeping for more than 9 hours could lead to excess weight, depression and anxiety, headaches, end even back pain. More info click here.


Try These Pilates Moves To Get Rid Of Back Pain

Try These Pilates Moves To Get Rid Of Back Pain    

Back pain can be caused by poor posture, spinal problems, performing an incorrect movement, or having a weak muscle core, among others. This Pilates routine will help you strengthen your muscle core, providing more support for the spine. Click here for more information.


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Addicted To Your Smartphone? This Is The Effect On Your Body

Addicted To Your Smartphone? This Is The Effect On Your Body    

Phones and other digital devices are part of modern life. However, it will slowly change your habits, and not for good. For example, the slouch while viewing the screen will result in neck and back pain (tech neck). Also, it increases myopia and disrupts your sleep. How to avoid it? Additional information click here.


Back Pain Treatment Is A Healing Process Which Allows The Body To Recover

Back Pain Treatment Is A Healing Process Which Allows The Body To Recover    

However Many Patients Believe That The Pain Can Be Fixed Quickly And Become Frustrated When This Does Not Occur    

Back pain occurs at least one time in the life of most people, and it can be caused by a weak muscle core, by spinal problems, or by disk issues, among others. In most cases, it heals in several weeks. However, if it continues, it can turn into chronic pain. This can lead to pain when lifting, walking, sleeping difficulty, and eventually, the pain will lead to stress and anxiety. When this occurs, patients visit doctors for treatment, but they believe that the specialist can fix the disorder, and are not aware that the body must go through a recovery process that might even include a change of habits and weight loss. This means that rather than a quick fix, the body must go through a healing process. Also, the healing is not physiological, but also psychological, meaning that the patient must accept that the healing process is not immediate, and may cause pain or discomfort. Accepting this fact, instead of feeling angry or frustrated about it will improve the healing process.


Back Pain And Shoulder Pain Can Be A Symptom Of A Heart Attack

Back Pain And Shoulder Pain Can Be A Symptom Of A Heart Attack    

A usual symptom of heart attack is chest pain. However, shoulder pain and left arm pain is also related to heart problems. This pain can also extend to the jaw, neck, and to the upper back, between the shoulder blades. Learn to differentiate identify the different types of pain and symptoms of a heart attack. Click here for more details.


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

New Implantable Device Lowers Chronic Back Pain

New Implantable Device Lowers Chronic Back Pain    

It Is Used In Case Pain Has Not Improved After A Surgery    

There is a new device that can apply spinal cord stimulation for chronic leg pain or back pain if it has not improved after surgery. The device sends high-frequency electrical pulses with the help of a small, battery-powered generation implanted under the skin, which is connected to electrodes near the patient’s spinal cord. If there is a positive result, the patient’s pain is eliminated and he can return to his normal activities. The manufacturers suggest the use of the system if after six months of a spinal surgery there is still residual chronic neuropathic back or leg pain, even with the use of pain medication. Even though the usage of these devices is becoming more popular, they are still expensive. More info click here.


What Are The Best And Worst Sleeping Positions?

What Are The Best And Worst Sleeping Positions?    

Getting enough sleep is fundamental for a good rest. However, it is also important to know how you sleep. Your sleeping position can affect your mood, productivity, and energy levels for the next day. For example, stomach sleeping flattens the spine’s natural curve and causes back pain. Check the best and worst position. Click here for more information.


Interested In Yoga? Practice It Correctly To Avoid Injuries

Interested In Yoga? Practice It Correctly To Avoid Injuries    

Yoga is one of the healthiest activities for our bodies. It adds flexibility and also helps with muscle strength. However, practicing it without supervision, from a DVD, can lead to wrong postures, which will cause muscle and joint injury. More details click here.


Monday, October 19, 2020

Causes Of Sciatica And How To Treat It

Causes Of Sciatica And How To Treat It    

It Causes Pain Or Numbness In The Legs    

The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the body, running from the hips to the foot, and it can be pinched or compressed along its pathway, resulting in pain or numbness in the leg called sciatica. The causes can be a lumbar herniated disk, degenerative disk disease, muscle strain, or a condition in the piriformis muscle, among others. There are several ways to treat it, such as keep moving, which can strengthen the muscles and reduce the symptoms. Also applying heat and ice, also called contrast bathing, can help if the cause is a muscle strain. Massages can also help loosen the muscles. Check all the treatments for sciatica. More Information click here.


Breathing Exercises Also Help A Strong Core

Breathing Exercises Also Help A Strong Core    

The muscle core is composed of the abdominal muscles, oblique, vertical back muscles among others. They keep the spine in a good posture. An unbalanced core may be the cause of back pain – this is solved by exercises. However, a strong core also relies on good respiration exercises for the diaphragm. Additional information click here.


Back Pain Sufferers Can Have Better Results With Exercise Than With Painkillers

Back Pain Sufferers Can Have Better Results With Exercise Than With Painkillers    

Study Shows That Risk Of Lower Back Pain Lowers By 16%    

The most common treatment for back pain sufferers is based on painkillers. However, there is a risk of addiction and in some cases, the drug losses effectiveness. An alternate treatment is exercising and being active. A recent study has shown a lifestyle with high activity reduces the risk of back pain in 16%, while moderate activity lowers the risk in 14%. However, the activity does not affect short-term back pain, such as muscle cramps, or serious conditions that require hospitalization or disability. Also, the type of activity must not include twisting, such as golf. More details click here.


Sunday, October 18, 2020

Kidney Infection Can Cause Back Pain

Kidney Infection Can Cause Back Pain    

One of the causes of back pain is not muscular or related to the spine - it is a kidney infection. This happens when a bladder infection is poorly treated, and the bacteria go to the kidneys. Some people just wait until it goes away, but this can be a very serious condition. Additional information click here.


Bladder Infection Can Be A Serious Condition If You Are Experiencing Back Pain

Bladder Infection Can Be A Serious Condition If You Are Experiencing Back Pain    

It Is A Sign That The Infection Has Spread To The Kidneys    

Bladder infection, if untreated, can spread to the kidneys, resulting in excessive discomfort. It can be identified via its symptoms, such as painful and frequent urination, and urinary urgency, which is a need to rush to the restroom immediately. Another symptom is lower back pain and sensitivity around the abdominal region. This can be a sign that the infection has spread to the kidneys, which is a more serious condition. Learn about all the symptoms of bladder infection. More details click here.


Excessive Use Of Smartphones May Lead To These Injuries

Excessive Use Of Smartphones May Lead To These Injuries    

We have talked before about Tech Neck and the strain we put on our necks when we lower our heads to look at the smartphone. Unfortunately, there are other hazards. Looking at a computer screen or any electronic device for a long time can cause us to stop blinking, resulting in dry eyes. Also, the blue-violet light of the smartphone can cause macular degeneration. It can also affect thumbs and elbows. Click here for more info.


Saturday, October 17, 2020

A Sedentary Lifestyle Will Negatively Affect Your Body

A Sedentary Lifestyle Will Negatively Affect Your Body    

The sedentary life of a couch potato might result in excess weight and a series of problems for all the body.  In some countries, it is a serious health problem.  The will lead to cardiovascular diseases, chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes, and cancer. The risk of having one of these diseases might be greatly reduced by 10 minutes of running or 40 minutes of walking. Check all the effects on the body. Additional information click here.


What Is The Egoscue Method For Back Pain?

What Is The Egoscue Method For Back Pain?    

The Egoscue Method consists of a postural alignment therapy, which was founded in the ’70s. It considers that pain is the misalignment of posture.  The objective of the method is to reset the body’s posture to its natural state. Additional info click here.


Back Pain Can Result Of A Tightening Of The Psoas Muscle

Back Pain Can Result Of A Tightening Of The Psoas Muscle    

This Happens When Sitting Too Much Time And Not Stretching The Body    

We have talked about one the consequences of sitting too much time. Another one is related to the psoas muscle, which connects the spine to the legs. It can become very tight when sitting for a long time. A tight psoas will pull the pelvis backward, adding stress to the lumbar spine. Taking a break from the desk and watching your standing position will help to relax the psoas and avoiding back pain. Additional details click here.


Friday, October 16, 2020

There Is A Higher Number Of Cases Of “Text Neck”

There Is A Higher Number Of Cases Of “Text Neck”    

Text neck is caused when there is an inclination of the head to the front for prolonged periods of time. This results in extensive use of portable devices and screens. The front inclination of the head causes excessive stress on the neck vertebrae and muscles. There are treatments available as well as training to avoid using the screen t such as low position leading to text neck. Additional information click here.


New Implant For Treating Chronic Back Pain

New Implant For Treating Chronic Back Pain    

Chronic pain is usually treated with meds that can be dangerous and addictive in the long run. There is now an alternative. An implant located in the spinal canal, thinner than a matchstick can intercept the pain signals. There are alternatives, but have the size of a pacemaker and require external wires. This new device has an external wireless power source. Additional information click here.


Improve Your Push-Up And Strengthen Your Core To Get Rid Of Back Pain

Improve Your Push-Up And Strengthen Your Core To Get Rid Of Back Pain    

One of the causes of back pain is a weak muscle core, which supports the lower spine. So a good idea is to strengthen it. There are many ways, some more efficient than others, such as doing push-ups. Here we show you how to improve the push-up. More details click here.


Thursday, October 15, 2020

Traveling May Cause Neck Pain And Back Pain

Traveling May Cause Neck Pain And Back Pain

Walking And Certain Exercises Can Prevent It

Travelling might result in neck pain and back pain. Sitting for a prolonged time in a plane or in a car can result in stiffness in joints and muscles, back pain, and pooling of fluids in the lower extremities which can lead to swelling and even potential blood clotting. There are ways to avoid this, such as moving in the plane, walking in the plane, or stopping the car and walking for some minutes to stretch the legs every hour. There are other exercises that can be done while sitting, such as knee extensions, glute squeezes, and upper body stretches in the seat. Also, it is not a good idea to cross the legs. It causes pressure on the spine, blocks blood flow to the legs, facilitates muscle imbalances, and results in a slouched back. Click here for more info.


Massages Are Not Only Relaxing But Also Have Health Benefits

Massages Are Not Only Relaxing But Also Have Health Benefits

It Decreases The Production Of The Stress Hormone, Improves Posture And Loosens Muscles

Massages not only feel good but also have health benefits. It fights stress and anxiety, increasing blood flow to areas of the brain which regulate mood and stress. According to a study, the hormone cortisol, related to stress, decreased by 31% after a massage session, and dopamine and serotonin, hormones associated with happiness and a good mood, increased by 30%. It also has physiological benefits, improving posture and loosening muscles locked into painful positions. It also decreases muscular pain after a workout session, relaxing the areas that are tightened up. A 10-minute massage session can reduce the soreness by 30%. Massages have also benefits in the immune system, increasing the production of white blood cells Click here for more info.


Sitting Up All Day? Avoid Back Pain With Yoga On Your Desk

Sitting Up All Day? Avoid Back Pain With Yoga On Your Desk    

Working on a desk means too many hours of sitting in a chair. Sitting causes organ damage, poor circulation, weight gain back pain, and fat build-up, among others. What to do about it? Yoga is an excellent answer. Check this 6 positions you can do on your desk. More Information click here.


Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Suffering From Knee Pain? Check This Advice

Suffering From Knee Pain? Check This Advice    

Knees are joints that are the most commonly replaced. A study has shown that 5% of the people have gone through knee surgery by the time they have 50. This condition is not reversible, but it can be slowed down. Some of the ways to do it is going to the doctor to prevent further damage to the knees, get rid of excess weight, and identify key muscles to strengthen. Check all the tips for delaying knee issues. Click here for more details.


Chronic Back Pain Can Worsen With Lack Of Activity – This Treatment Can Help Deal With It

Chronic Back Pain Can Worsen With Lack Of Activity – This Treatment Can Help Deal With It    

Heat With Radiofrequency Can Block The Pain Signals On The Nerves    

Most ailments are treated with resting to let the body heal itself. This is not the case of chronic back pain - lack of movement can actually worsen the condition, therefore specialists suggest to continue with the normal activities, which sometimes are very painful to accomplish. This leads to a pain cycle. One way to treat it is via radiofrequency heat, in case the pain is nerve-related. This treatment interrupts pain signals from nerve tissues. Click here for more details.


A Well-Designed Workspace Will Reduce The Risk Of Health Conditions

A Well-Designed Workspace Will Reduce The Risk Of Health Conditions    

A poorly designed workplace will have an impact on the health of the employees. Sitting down at a desk will result in sedentary behavior, which will increase the risk of diabetes, back pain, heart diseases, and obesity, among others. An alternative is to move around or reduce sitting time by using a standing desk. What are the advantages of standing desks? Click here for more details.


Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Back Pain Suffering Can Result In Depression

Back Pain Suffering Can Result In Depression    

It Is Treated With Opioids, Which Can Lead To Misuse And Dependency    

Back pain not only causes physical pain. It also causes emotional stress due to the suffering, the difficulty in performing daily activities, and the dependence on drugs and painkillers, which can lead to depression. In many cases, doctors prescribe opioids to patients with depression due to back pain, however, these drugs may create misuse and dependency. Click here for more information.


Study: A Daily Dose Of Ibuprofen Could Prevent Alzheimer’s

Study: A Daily Dose Of Ibuprofen Could Prevent Alzheimer’s

This Drug For Back Pain And Headache Inhibits The Action Of A Substance Related To This Mental Condition

Ibuprofen is a quick way to treat back pain or headaches. Even though this mediation is oriented to pain relief, researchers have discovered that it could also be used to treat Alzheimer’s disease. It is based on the mechanism used by ibuprofen to reduce the inflammation caused by a substance related to this mental condition. This substance, an amyloid peptide called Abeta 42, is present in the saliva of adults with Alzheimer’s as well as adults with a healthy mental condition, but with a high risk of suffering from Alzheimer’s. According to the study, a daily dose of ibuprofen, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), could prevent Alzheimer’s in patients that have shown a high level of Abeta42. Click here for more information.


Getting Rid Of Back Pain When Waking Up By Correcting The Sleeping Position

Getting Rid Of Back Pain When Waking Up By Correcting The Sleeping Position    

It Will Also Help With Neck And Shoulder Pain    

A poor sleeping position might be the cause of shoulder, neck, or back pain. A soft mattress won’t be able to keep the natural curves of the spine, leading to back pain. This can be avoided by placing small pillows or rolled towels under the lower back and under the calves, the restore the curvature. If sleeping on the back. If sleeping on the side, a pillow between the knees will release the load of the lower back. Shoulder pain and neck pain can be caused by sleeping on a side with pillows too soft or too hard, among other causes. Click here for more details.


Monday, October 12, 2020

Back Pain Can Be A Sign Of Poor Lifestyle Leading To Lower Lifespan

Back Pain Can Be A Sign Of Poor Lifestyle Leading To Lower Lifespan    

A study suggests that back pain is related to a higher risk of dying, meaning that it can be a serious health risk. This is important since most people do not consider back pain as a life-threatening condition. However, back pain is not the direct cause, but what causes it, such as limited functional ability, lower muscle mass, and lower aerobic capacity. The pain also results in a mental state, with feelings of depression, poor sleeping, among others. Therefore, back pain is a sign of a poor lifestyle. Click here for more details.


Moxibustion Can Help With Anxiety And Back Pain

Moxibustion Can Help With Anxiety And Back Pain    

This 2000-Year-Old Practice Also Provides A Sensation Of Relaxation    

Some people believe that conventional drugs are not their first choice because of their side effects, and prefer natural and alternative treatments. One of them is moxibustion, which has shown positive outcomes for anxiety and back pain. This practice has more than 2000 thousand years old, and the treatment consists of burning pieces of plant roots in acupuncture points. These roots are from a plant called moxa, a dried Asian herb derived from the mugwort root. Other health benefits are an improvement in the circulation of blood flow and internal energy. It relieves pain, anxiety, infertility, and digestive disorders. Moxa can have many presentations, such as balms, incense, or cones. The application generates initially a slight pain due to the heat. However, it generates afterward a sensation of relaxation.


Back Pain Can Be Caused By Stress, Besides Bad Posture Or Excessive Time While Sitting

Back Pain Can Be Caused By Stress, Besides Bad Posture Or Excessive Time While Sitting    

The Cause Is The Stress Hormones Tense The Muscles In The Spine, Which Eventually Will Turn Into Back Pain    

Back pain can show up at work, and the causes are usually a poor posture leaning over the desk, or excessive time sitting. Some solutions are standing desks, ergonomic chairs, and standing meetings, but there is a source that is being overlooked, which is work stress. According to a new study, social and psychological aspects in the place of work can also be a cause of back pain. This includes excess workload and lack of control over day-to-day tasks. There are several explanations, such as the release of hormones when the body is stressed, as an answer to an actual or perceived threat, which increases blood pressure and also tenses the muscles around the spine. If this occurs frequently, the tension will turn into back pain. This can be avoided with rests every 45 minutes, stretching, and performing physical activity.


Sunday, October 11, 2020

Sciatica: What Is It And How To Treat It

Sciatica: What Is It And How To Treat It    

The sciatic nerve runs from the pelvis down to the hip and knee. Sometimes the piriformis muscle, which is adjacent to the sciatic nerve, will spasm and pinch it, resulting in pain and numbness of the buttock, calf and even the sole of the foot. How to deal with it? Relaxing the piriformis muscle. Check more details. More info click here.


Back Pain Can Be A Sign Of Poor Lifestyle Leading To Lower Lifespan

Back Pain Can Be A Sign Of Poor Lifestyle Leading To Lower Lifespan    

A study suggests that back pain is related to a higher risk of dying, meaning that it can be a serious health risk. This is important since most people do not consider back pain as a life-threatening condition. However, back pain is not the direct cause, but what causes it, such as limited functional ability, lower muscle mass, and lower aerobic capacity. The pain also results in a mental state, with feelings of depression, poor sleeping, among others. Therefore, back pain is a sign of a poor lifestyle. Click here for more details.


Study: Sitting For Too Much Time Linked To Thinning Of Temporal Lobe

Study: Sitting For Too Much Time Linked To Thinning Of Temporal Lobe    

It Is A Critical Area For Memory Formation And Can Tend To Cognitive Decline And Dementia    

Several studies have shown the health risks of sitting for an extended period of time, which include back pain, poor blood circulation, and cardiovascular issues, tendency to gain weight, and a higher risk of diabetes, among others. However, recent research has also related it to the decrease in thickness of the temporal lobe, an area critical to memory formation. Brain thinning can lead to cognitive decline and dementia. Additional details click here.


Saturday, October 10, 2020

Frequent Flyer? This Advice Will Help Prevent Neck And Back Pain

Frequent Flyer? This Advice Will Help Prevent Neck And Back Pain    

Patients with back pain might have a bad time when traveling. Heavy baggage and long hours sitting down can take its toll. There are some tips to avoid it. For example, asking for help from the crew when lifting heavy baggage, having enough legroom -  although this may require paying a premium, -  watching your seat position, among others. Additional information click here.


New Technologies For The Prevention And Treatment Of Chronic Back Pain

New Technologies For The Prevention And Treatment Of Chronic Back Pain    

Among Them Are Devices That Detect Poor Posture, And That Interrupt Pain Signals To The Brain    

Back pain is usually treated with medication and therapy, but there also advanced technologies. These also help with the diagnosis of the cause of back pain, which includes x-rays, MRI, and CT. There are also modern technologies for back pain treatment, such as postural correction. Normally a proper posture person seats upright and the screen are that eye level, but people have a tendency to slouch over the desk, compressing the spine. There are now modern devices with sensors that detect when a person is slouching over the desk, and sounds a reminder alarm, or sends a signal to a cellphone app, which, besides notifying the user to correct his posture, logs how many times the person has slouched. For chronic pain, there is also a device that uses electrical stimulation. It is called Transdermal Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) and consists of a set of patches attached to the skin, sending electrical signals through the skin and to the nerves, interrupting the pain signal path to the brain. Additionally, there are ultrasonic wave, radiofrequency wave systems, and lasers, which generate heat that destroys the tissue attached to the nerve that is originating the chronic pain. In severe cases, the solution is surgery, but, compared to traditional surgery, modern methods are minimally invasive and, in some cases, the patient return home the same day of the surgical procedure.


If You Are Feeling A Radiated Pain In The Leg, It Might Be Sciatica

If You Are Feeling A Radiated Pain In The Leg, It Might Be Sciatica    

The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the body, going from the lower back down to the foot. It might be related problems like radiating leg pain caused by a herniated compressed disk or an inflammation. The good news is that it is very treatable. Click here for more information.


Friday, October 9, 2020

Addicted To Your Smartphone? This Is The Effect On Your Body

Addicted To Your Smartphone? This Is The Effect On Your Body    

Phones and other digital devices are part of modern life. However, it will slowly change your habits, and not for good. For example, the slouch while viewing the screen will result in neck and back pain (tech neck). Also, it increases myopia and disrupts your sleep. How to avoid it? Additional information click here.


Yoga Can Help With Improving Strength And Flexibility While Preventing Back Pain And Joint Pain

Yoga Can Help With Improving Strength And Flexibility While Preventing Back Pain And Joint Pain    

It Is Not Only A Spiritual Activity    

Yoga is considered a spiritual activity, but it can really provide a good workout, strengthening the muscles, adding flexibility, and improving performance. It also can help overcome problems such as back pain, knee problems, and the harmful consequences resulting from seating for an extended time. Many sports and activities can result in injuries. However, in the case of yoga, if practiced properly and safely, the risk of injuries is minimal. It also helps with other exercises and sports, such as improving flexibility and synchronizing the breathing process. More Information click here.


Stretches To Prevent Foot Pain

Stretches To Prevent Foot Pain    

Foot pain can be caused by worn out shoes or poor fitting. It can be also caused by excessive running or overtraining. There are some techniques that will prevent injuries and focus on the feet and calves. Some of them are placing a tennis ball under the heel, flexing the calves, and applying pressure with a towel. More Information click here.


Thursday, October 8, 2020

Back Pain May Be The Result Of Many Bad Habits

Back Pain May Be The Result Of Many Bad Habits    

There are times in which we wake up and feel neck stiffness or pain, so we blame it on the sleeping posture. However, the pain is not the result of the posture, but the result of sustained poor postures over time. Click here for more information.


Quick Workout For Strengthening The Muscle Core

Quick Workout For Strengthening The Muscle Core    

A strong muscle core will provide support for the spine, lowering the risk of back pain. These workouts that can help with it, without going to the gym and also can be done in 5 minutes. Click here for more details.


Anxiety Meds Can Have Dangerous Interactions With Certain Drugs

Anxiety Meds Can Have Dangerous Interactions With Certain Drugs    

Among Them Are Meds For Treating Acid Reflux, Insomnia, And Also Painkillers    

Certain drugs can have adverse effects on anxiety drugs, such as Benzodiazepines (Also known as “Benzos”), which are prescribed for anxiety, insomnia or panic disorder. Among these anxiety, drugs are Xanax (alprazolam), Valium (diazepam), Ativan (lorazepam), and Klonopin (clonazepam). The effects might be oversedation, accidents, or overdose. Other effects of the interactions are a decrease of benzo in the bloodstream, resulting in withdrawal effects such as severe being seizures or even death. Among the drugs that have dangerous interactions with benzodiazepines are opioids, such as the painkillers OxyContin (oxycodone), morphine, and Vicodin (hydrocodone), which can cause cardiorespiratory depression, and increase the risk of overdose and death. According to statistics, 75% of deaths related to benzodiazepines also involved an opioid. Another interaction to watch for are insomnia drugs, such as including Ambien (zolpidem), Lunesta (eszopiclone), and Sonata (zaleplon), which have a similar mechanism to benzos and can cause episodes of amnesia. Acid reflux drugs such as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), such as Prilosec (omeprazole), Nexium (esomeprazole), Prevacid (lansoprazole), and Protonix (pantoprazole), are also dangerous to combine with benzos, because they increase the level of benzodiazepines in the blood, and might worsen the effects of these drugs, including confusion, dizziness, sedation, falls and impaired driving. The fourth group of drugs to watch is fluoroquinolone antibiotics such as Cipro (ciprofloxacin), Levaquin (levofloxacin), and Avelox (moxifloxacin), which compete for the same binding site as benzodiazepines. This means that both drugs cannot work at the same time and one drug blocks the effect of the other. Therefore, the antibiotics block the benzos, resulting in withdrawal effects from the latter, in the form of increased heartbeat and dizziness. Additional information click here.


Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Your Fashion Accessories May Be The Cause Of Your Back Pain

Your Fashion Accessories May Be The Cause Of Your Back Pain    

Most girls consider their high heels as mandatory for their look. Their legs look amazing and longer, but the shoes also increase the risk of bone and joint injury, and even the spine. Giant bags are also good looking, but when they are too heavy, the uneven weight distribution will affect the shoulder and the spine. Additional info click here.


Learn To Decompress The Spine While Sleeping

Learn To Decompress The Spine While Sleeping    

It Is Required A Firm Mattress And A Proper Posture    

One of the aspects of modern life is working on a desk, in front of a screen. Unfortunately, many people tend to hunch over, compressing their spine. Eventually, the muscles supporting the spine will lose strength, affecting the support that the spine requires. However, it is possible to decompress the spine while sleeping, according to a specialist. It is important to get a firm mattress, because a soft mattress will result in a curved spine, resulting in discomfort in the body. An alternative to a hard mattress is to insert a wooden plank below a soft mattress. Also, the sleeping position must help decompress the spine. The ideal position is sleeping face up, with a small pillow below the knees, which is also the best position for dealing for back pain. If there is a habit of sleeping on the side, the pillow must be located between the knees, and it is also required a firm pillow to maintain the head aligned with the column, reducing the tension on the shoulders and the neck. Also, the worst position for decompressing the column and easing back pain is stomach sleeping.


Stretching Add Flexibility To The Joints And Loosens The Muscles

Stretching Add Flexibility To The Joints And Loosens The Muscles    

It Can Also Help Prevent Back Pain, And Treat Insomnia    

Stretching is a necessary activity before a cardio workout or weights, because it adds flexibility to the joints, and loosens the muscles. It can also help avoid back pain, which may be caused by tightened hamstrings, stressing the muscles on the spine and lower back. Stretching also works for relaxation of the body and also of the mind. It helps increase blood flow, getting rid of muscle tension. An additional bonus is that stretching before sleep may aid in curing insomnia. Additional information click here.


Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Study: A protein suppresses inflammation when we sleep

Study: A protein suppresses inflammation when we sleep    

Sometimes we feel that aches and pains are worse in the morning. This is because during the night the body secretes a protein that represses inflammation. This protein wears off when we wake and start moving. This means that the biological clock related to sleep could also regulate inflammation. Additional details click here.


Kissing Has Many Health Benefits

Kissing Has Main Health Benefits    

It Increases The Production Of Saliva, Fighting Oral Diseases, And Also Lowers Blood Pressure    

Kissing is not only a romantic gesture. It has also health benefits. It helps with lower stress levels due to a lowering of the hormone cortisol, and increases the relationship satisfaction, and also elevates the mood, as a result of the production of the dopamine and serotonin. It also has oral health benefits, increasing the saliva production, getting rid of bacteria causing for tooth decay, cavities, and dental plaque, More saliva production also helps fighting dry mouth, which creates an environment that promotes bacterial growth and bad breath. Another benefit of saliva production is cleaning food residues from the mouth. It also has benefits for the cardiovascular system, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels, caused by an expansion of the blood vessels. Additional benefits are a toning of the facial muscles, providing a younger and healthier look, and an increase of the adrenaline production, lowering the pain sensation, which helps with chronic pain, and also increases immunity. More info click here.


This Workout Will Prevent Back Pain And Help You With Your Six-Pack Abs

This Workout Will Prevent Back Pain And Help You With Your Six-Pack Abs    

6-pack abs look great and healthy. But looks aren’t the only reason for getting them. They will help in to build a strong core, which will improve balance, breathing, and posture, and also prevent injury and back pain. Check this 10-minute workout. More Information click here.


Monday, October 5, 2020

Quick Workout For Strengthening The Muscle Core

Quick Workout For Strengthening The Muscle Core    

A strong muscle core will provide support for the spine, lowering the risk of back pain. These workouts that can help with it, without going to the gym and also can be done in 5 minutes. Click here for more details.


Causes Of Cramps And Abdominal Pain During The Period

Causes Of Cramps And Abdominal Pain During The Period    

Pain Can Also Radiate To Other Parts Of The Body    

Many women experience muscle cramps with their periods. In some cases, the pain is in the lower back and legs. According to specialists in 10% of the cases, it can be momentarily disabling. It is caused by hormones instructing a growth and thickening of the uterine linen, as an anticipation of a possible pregnancy. Afterward, if there is no fertilization, the uterus contracts and expels the excess lining. In this process, the tissue surrounding the uterus produces chemicals that lead to a muscle contraction and are what causes the pain. In other cases, pain can radiate to other parts of the body. More details click here.


Sitting For An Extended Time Compresses The Organs And Leads To Back Pain And Headache

Sitting For An Extended Time Compresses The Organs And Leads To Back Pain And Headache    

It Is Also The Main Cause Of Type 2 Diabetes, Stroke, And Colon Cancer    

Sitting down for an excessive time can result in several health conditions. Unfortunately, most office jobs involve sitting down at a desk, and resting at home also involves a couch or a recliner. According to specialists, prolonged sitting is the main cause of breast and colon cancer, type 2 diabetes and stroke. It also collapses al the organs inward, compressing the lungs and restricting the oxygen intake. It also tightens the flexor muscles, resulting in lower back pain, headaches, and shoulder pain. It can be avoided by standing up every 30 minutes. Additional info click here.


Sunday, October 4, 2020

Learn To Decompress The Spine While Sleeping

Learn To Decompress The Spine While Sleeping    

It Is Required A Firm Mattress And A Proper Posture    

One of the aspects of modern life is working on a desk, in front of a screen. Unfortunately, many people tend to hunch over, compressing their spine. Eventually, the muscles supporting the spine will lose strength, affecting the support that the spine requires. However, it is possible to decompress the spine while sleeping, according to a specialist. It is important to get a firm mattress, because a soft mattress will result in a curved spine, resulting in discomfort in the body. An alternative to a hard mattress is to insert a wooden plank below a soft mattress. Also, the sleeping position must help decompress the spine. The ideal position is sleeping face up, with a small pillow below the knees, which is also the best position for dealing for back pain. If there is a habit of sleeping on the side, the pillow must be located between the knees, and it is also required a firm pillow to maintain the head aligned with the column, reducing the tension on the shoulders and the neck. Also, the worst position for decompressing the column and easing back pain is stomach sleeping.


Essential Oils For Back Pain Treatment Can Reduce Inflammation

Essential Oils For Back Pain Treatment Can Reduce Inflammation    

They Also Improve Movement And Have Antioxidant Properties    

Back pain can be treated with essential oils. These have compounds that help to control pain, including back pain. Among them are chamomile oil, which reduces inflammation, lavender oil, which improves movement, reduces pan and has a sedative effect, and peppermint oil, which has a calming sensation. Other oils that have strong anti-inflammatory properties are eucalyptus oil and rosemary oil. Also, basil oil and fennel oil have antioxidant properties. Check the full list. More Information click here.


Sleeping On The Front Is The Worst Position For Back Pain

Sleeping On The Front Is The Worst Position For Back Pain    

However, It Might Help Alleviate Sleep Apnea    

Back pain can be caused by an improper movement, a poor sleeping position, or an incorrect lifting, among others. It occurs to most people at one point of their lifetime, and it usually heals after several days or weeks. One of the causes is sleeping in the wrong position, such as sleeping on the front. This forces the head to one side, twisting the neck to allow breathing, and does not provide any support for the spine. On the other side, if suffering from sleep apnea, sleeping on the front might be a good idea. This is because the tissue on the throat relaxed at night, and sleeping on the back will cause it to obstruct the airway because of the gravity. Therefore, sleeping on the front can alleviate this – but it is not recommended due to the lack of support for the spine. More info click here.


Saturday, October 3, 2020

Taking Care Of Your Body In Pregnancy With Pilates

Taking Care Of Your Body In Pregnancy With Pilates    

Pregnancy has many demands over the body, and sometimes it is difficult to stay in shape. One alternative is Pilates, which has exercises that will help the pelvic floor muscles, upper body, among others, this will help with post-partum recovery, breastfeeding, reducing water retention in legs and soreness, and other aspects of pregnancy and motherhood. Additional info click here.


Causes Of Lower Back Pain And Frequent Urination

Causes Of Lower Back Pain And Frequent Urination    

Back pain is not only caused by spine or back muscle problems. There might be other causes, such as kidney problems, which will lead to frequent urination. Inflammation of the prostate also causes frequent urination and can result in lower back pain. Other causes are pregnancy. Excess weight, bladder conditions, pelvic abscess, among others. More Information click here.


Planks Exercises Will Lower Risk Of Back Pain

Planks Exercises Will Lower Risk Of Back Pain    

Planks are one of the most beneficial exercises for posture because it stabilizes the spine, and also reduces back pain, because it strengthens the muscle core. It also boosts metabolism and adds flexibility. Check the full info. Additional information click here.


Friday, October 2, 2020

Sitting Up Straight And Other Myths Related To Back Pain

Sitting Up Straight And Other Myths Related To Back Pain

Other Myths Are Resting In Bed To Treat Back Pain, And Avoiding Lifting Heavy Objects

Back pain is related to certain myths. One of them is sitting up straight to avoid back pain. Slouching over a screen or over the desk will result in back pain, but the same will happen if sitting too straight because of the strain on the back. The best way to sit is letting the back curve slightly. Another myth is avoiding lifting heavy objects. What must be avoided id lifting them the incorrect way. The correct way is to squat close to the object and lift it. People also say that resting in bed is the best treatment for back pain. In fact, studies have proven that resting in bed actually worsens back pain, and encourage having physical activity to treat it. On the other hand, one fact is that excessive weight is related to back pain, the excess weight is linked to excess effort on the spine. Check all the myths and facts related to back pain. Click here for more details.


Vitamin D Deficiency Can Lead To Serious Health Conditions

Vitamin D Deficiency Can Lead To Serious Health Conditions    

Among Them Are Bone And Back Pain And Also Hair Loss    

Vitamin D is also called the sunshine vitamin, helps regulate the amount of calcium, and phosphate minerals, keeping the bone, teeth, and muscles healthy. However, its deficiency can result in several health conditions in the body. One of them is hair loss, caused by alopecia areata, an autoimmune disease. Another condition is bone and back pain, which results from the loss of calcium a mineral that keeps the bones strong and healthy. Other signs of vitamin D deficiency are frequent infections, colds, bronchitis, and pneumonia, caused by a weak immune system. Check all the low vitamin D symptoms. Additional details click here.


Benefits Of Water Sports For Back Pain

Benefits Of Water Sports For Back Pain    

Water sports such as swimming and water aerobics are great for the spine because floating in water relieves some of the weight that gravity puts on our bodies, putting less stress on the back. Also, the exercise releases endorphins into the body, which acts as a painkiller. Click here for more info.


Thursday, October 1, 2020

Pilates Is The Ideal Exercise For Treating And Avoiding Back Pain

Pilates Is The Ideal Exercise For Treating And Avoiding Back Pain    

A study has found out that Pilates has been more effective for controlling back pain, than the traditional treatments. Another advance of Pilates is that it teaches how to correctly lifting movements and other movements in order to reduce the risk of back pain. More Information click here.


New Techniques And Tips For Preventing And Treating Neck Pain

New Techniques And Tips For Preventing And Treating Neck Pain    

Among Them Is Decrease Smartphone Usage, Wearing The Correct Prescription Glasses, And Even A High-End Massage Device    

Neck pain can have several causes, such as sitting hunched over a computer screen, using the phone or the tablet with the head tilted forward, which increases tension on neck muscles or carrying a heavy pack. Statistics have shown that containing 20% of the population has reported suffering from neck pain. However, there are now new techniques for treating neck pain. Among them are patches applied directly to the skin, and can be worn under the clothes. Unlike oral painkillers, there is no risk for side effects and addiction. Another technique is called percussive therapy, which uses a device that looks like an electric massager. It sends pulses and vibrations to the neck area in order to override the pain signals sent to the brain, providing a comfortable massage and promoting blood flow. This discharges muscle tension and increases the range of motion. It penetrates 16 millimeters deep into the muscle, making repetitive strokes 40 times per second, which is 60% deeper than vibration massagers. There are also pillows that contain foam inserts that can be added and remove it to vary the height and alight the head, neck, and spine. Last, but not least, it is important to wear glasses with the correct prescription. Wrong prescription glasses, will lead to a hunching over to the computer screen or to a book, tilting the head forward, causing a neck pain because of excessive muscle tension, which is the same that occurs with excessive smartphone or tablet usage.


Stand Up From Your Desk And Move To Avoid Back Pain

Stand Up From Your Desk And Move To Avoid Back Pain    

Several studies have shown the dangers of sitting down too much time. An alternative is standing desks, in which the user stands instead of seating. However, since the person is standing but not moving, it might be as sedentary as seating. Therefore, the key is moving every 40 or 45 minutes to avoid sedentarism. Click here for more information.